Monday, June 28, 2010

Attack. Of. The. Blahs.

So I've been away for a little over a month.  There's been a lot going on...and with so few followers right now, I guess I wasn't feeling like this was the top of my "To Do" list.  I've been tracking the rates on several websites...and get a lot of emails...but have yet to go out on even one date.

My fault AND their fault.

I'm so over going out to go out.  I don't feel up to meeting up with a man who is already super lame via an email or two.  If you cannot put any effort into an email, I'm already not interested in meeting you (and by effort I really only mean have something to say beyond "Hey, what's up wit u?" or "How r u?" specifically if you're anything older than 22...and even that's pushing it...but really, if you're 45 and writing that way?  Grooooossss.).

I'm often being contacted by men who should not be contacting me, in my opinion; a lot of them are either 8 years younger or 10+ years older.  Where are all of them men around my age?  It's not that I'm at an age where there aren't plenty of them that are ready to why aren't they the bulk of who's emailing?  Hmph.  AND  and and AAAAAAAND the ones I've gotten along best with recently are all hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away.

Hmph again.

Updates on specific sites to come!

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