Saturday, January 22, 2011

Two-a-Days? I can't seem to handle One-a-Days!

I have been dating a man for about two months.  Things started slow and casual with easy dinners, nothing being splurged on, and a lot of talking.  We didn't even have a first kiss until after the first few dates.  I've gotten to know him better, met one of his kids (who he only has a portion of the time) and was even invited to have dinner at home with him and said child a couple of weeks ago.  I'm not expecting to be his everything at this point (especially when children are in the picture) but I do have an expectation...or three.  I want more. 

But dates are never implied, there is little physical expression unless I initiate it, and he rarely verbally expresses his feelings towards me as well, though when he actually does these things it's lovely.

He sent me a text last night, letting me know he got home from being out with his friend, asking me how my night was, and then didn't respond to my text.  I waited all day today - NOTHING.  So I, in spite of my telling myself I wasn't going to be the one to blink first, sent a text saying. "You text and then disappear.  I know you were busy today, but it would have been nice to have heard from you, especially since you dropped off."  His excuse was that he passed out last night.  I know there was time in the day today for him to have sent a quick note.  This is a sign that: he's just not that into me. 
