Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hey there, Super Fox!

Hey! Are you listening? I'm La Super Fox.  How did I get to be her? Well, I've always been her...I just didn't always know it. Do I always believe I'm a Super Fox? No. Does that make me any less of a Super Fox? HECK NO! I'm constantly working to improve myself and become my own hero. It's not an easy road. And I don't always work as hard at it as I want to.

"Why are you blabbering in the vast black hole of the Internet, La Super Fox?"

A wise man and woman once told me that I should do the opposite of things I've done in past breakups (there's a hint for ya) and that I should do the things I've been putting off. (OK - they told millions because they published a few books which happened to be very popular and I've never actually spoken to them - more on them to come.)

Here I am, killing two birds with one stone. (NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS BLOG)

And I tell you what. So far, it feels pretty damn great. Here I'm going to share with you what I've been dying to share for a few years now: Dating woos and woes, friendship, family, LIFE.

I can write about other people's work all I want (I'm not going to give that up any time soon) but it feels WAY better to write about MY work...and that means my work on me.

"But what does that mean for me, La Super Fox? Why should I stick around this joint?"

I don't know about you (yet) but even if I am around a ton of people, sometimes I can just feel so alone. Sometimes I feel like I can't share certain things with those around me because I'm afraid/embarrassed/insert-your-own-emotional-adjective-here. Another thing La Super Fox needs to keep working on to be a better Fox. Maybe you'll read this and not feel alone. You can pull from my experiences and make better decisions for yourself (by either doing or NOT doing what I have done - hahaha). We'll see where else this journey takes us. Maybe you'll read this and laugh.

I don't always know what I'm doing, but I sure as heck am not going to sit around waiting for something to happen to me - I'm going to make my life my own, because I am a SUPER FOX!

And so are YOU!

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